Le programme Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship est destiné aux cadres marocains souhaitant accroître leurs capacités professionnelles en participant à des programmes spécialisés de 10 mois.
The Moroccan-American Commission for Educational & Cultural Exchange (MACECE) promotes and facilitates academic and cultural exchanges between Morocco and the United States of America through competitive scholarships for both citizens to study, teach, and conduct research in each other’s country. MACECE plays a vital role in fostering mutual understanding between the two nations.
The Fulbright Program creates connections in a complex and changing world. Led by the United States government in partnership with 160 countries worldwide, Fulbright offers unparalleled international educational and cultural exchange experiences. Our global network of Fulbrighters fosters mutual understanding between the United States and partner nations, advances knowledge across communities, and improves lives around the globe.
For over 35 years, the Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange (MACECE) has been working to promote the spirit of traditional friendship between the peoples of Morocco and the United States of America by facilitating academic and cultural exchanges between American and Moroccan citizens.
The Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange was established in 1982 by agreement between the two governments. As the principal organization entrusted with this mission, it enjoys financial, managerial and administrative autonomy.
It is managed by a binational board of commissioners and receives its primary funding from the governments of the Kingdom of Morocco and the United States of America. The binational Commission administers a wide range of research, study and teaching grants, chiefly within the context of the worldwide Fulbright Educational Exchange Program.
The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, a Presidentially-appointed committee of twelve, establishes general policy guidelines and oversees the final selection of all grantees. In addition, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State (ECA) and MACECE are assisted in the administration of the program by the following co- operating agencies: The Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), the Institute of International Education (IIE), The International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), AMIDEAST, and American Councils.
What is the Humphrey Program and who are Humphrey Fellows?
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is a Fulbright exchange activity sponsored by the United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE).
Humphrey Fellows are young and mid-career professionals from designated countries placed at U.S. universities for 10- months of non-degree graduate-level study, leadership development and professional collaboration with U.S. counterparts.
Fellows design and implement individualized programs to acquire career-related knowledge, interact with colleagues and gain professional expertise. These experiences are supplemented by university classes, field trips and site visits, and special workshops and seminars. Humphrey Fellows are J-1 visa holders and receive a maintenance stipend for housing, meals and incidentals, an allowance for professional development activities, and accident/sickness health benefits coverage meeting the J-visa requirements.
The program is classified as a non-degree program by the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). Fellows cannot transfer from non-degree status to degree status under any circumstances.
The Humphrey Program aims to:
- Establish and enhance long-lasting productive partnerships and relationships between U.S. citizens and individuals from other parts of the world
- Develop leaders whose knowledge and skills have been informed by exposure to American values, models and ideas–leaders who will have a multiplier effect on their societies
- Expand and improve the range of international exchange and training programs
- Increase U.S. citizens knowledge and understanding of international issues and of other cultures and societies.
Program Fields:
Sustainable Development
- Agricultural and Rural Development
- Economic Development
- Finance and Banking
- Natural Resources, Environmental Policy, and Climate Change
- Urban and Regional Planning
Democratic Institution Building
- Communications/Journalism
- Law and Human Rights
- Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration
- Trafficking in Persons Policy and Prevention
- Technology Policy and Management
- Human Resource Management
- International Religious Freedom
- Educational Administration, Planning and Policy
- Higher Education Administration
Public Health
- Public Health Policy and Management
- HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
- Substance Abuse Education, Treatment and Prevention
- Contagious and Infectious Diseases
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 2024-2025
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 2024-2025
Le programme Humphrey est destiné aux cadres marocains souhaitant accroître leurs capacités professionnelles en participant à des programmes spécialisés de 10 mois.
Domaines de formation:
- Développement économique
- Finance et banque
- Ressources naturelles, politique environnementale et changement climatique
- Planification urbaine et régionale
- Administration, planification et politique de l’éducation
- Politique et gestion de la santé publique
- Communication et journalisme
- Droit et droits de l’homme
- Analyse des politiques publiques et administration publique
- Politique de prévention de la traite des personnes et prévention
- Politique et gestion de la technologie
- Gestion des ressources humaines
- Politique et gestion de la santé publique
- Education, traitement et prévention de la toxicomanie
Etre titulaire au minimum d’une Licence
Avoir une bonne maîtrise de la langue anglaise
Avoir un dossier professionnel de premier ordre et d’une expérience professionnelle d’au moins cinq ans, avec des responsabilités croissantes dans le secteur public ou dans le secteur privé
Avoir des qualités marquées de dirigeant
Pour plus d’informations, veuillez envoyer vos questions par courriel à: [email protected]
Dossier de candidature
Formulaire de candidature en ligne
Trois lettres de recommandation
Copie du Diplôme obtenu ainsi que des relevés de notes y afférents (accompagnés de leur traduction en langue anglaise)
Attestation de Travail (accompagnée de sa traduction en langue anglaise)
Autorisation de l’Institution d’attache pour pouvoir participer au Programme
Test ITP. Le score minimum est de 550 (contactez AMIDEAST Rabat ou Casablanca pour plus d’informations sur ce test)
Procédure de candidature
Le dossier de candidature doit être soumis par courriel à Mme. Hafsa KANOUBI, à travers l’adresse e-mail suivante : [email protected]
Date limite: 31 Juillet 2023
N.B. :
Le formulaire de candidature ainsi que les informations relatives à ce Programme sont disponibles sur le site Internet de la Commission Maroco-Américaine pour les Echanges Educatifs et Culturels : www.macece.ma
Le Programme n’est pas sanctionné par un diplôme
Après soumission de votre candidature en ligne, comme mentionné ci-dessus, vous êtes prié d’envoyer, pour information, une copie de votre dossier à la Direction de la Coopération et du Partenariat à travers l’adresse suivante : [email protected] (Prière de mentionner dans l’objet de votre mail le titre suivant : Bourse Humphrey 2024-2025)
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